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BOOKS BY SUZANNE is the business name and publishing imprint of Suzanne Flaig--author, editor, freelance writer, and indie publisher.

I write the Missy Jenkins musical mystery series under the name of Suzanne Flaig and the Rachel Yost Amish mysteries as Elizabeth Yoder.

I've also had 20 years' experience as an editor and publisher. Many of my short stories are published in anthologies and available here. Works by other authors that have been co-authored or edited/published by me are also listed on - search Suzanne Flaig. 

Find me on facebook at flaig.suzanne.writer

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My Story

Fun fact about me. I started roller skating when I was ten months old. No kidding! Mom and Dad ran a skating rink and as soon as I could walk, Mom strapped on the clamp-on skates her father had made for my older sister, then I used them, then my brother used them. We all grew up in the rink and competed in both artistic and speed events at the local, state and national levels. Dad managed the Sinking Springs Skatarena, near Reading, Pennsylvania, until I turned sixteen. Then he bought a rink in Middletown, PA called The Gold Skate. After my mother passed away, my husband Paul and I ran the rink for 13 years and I taught skating lessons and coached the artistic team. We moved to Arizona in 1998 and I continued to skate for several years.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

text me at 602-499-1885

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